Lessons from an Unsuccessful Interview

The interview process can be overwhelming and unfortunately can be full of knockbacks but that does not mean failure, with every interview, there are lessons to take from them. Here are our five tips that will help ensure an unsuccessful interview is still a success!

1. Reflect

An unsuccessful interview can be discouraging, it is important to acknowledge the disappointment but remember it is only a temporary setback. Take time to reflect on the interview experience what went well and what did not. Do you feel you were completely prepared e.g. good attitude, well-rested, questions asked, responses, etc. if not reflect on areas of improvement.

2. Review Resume

Take another look at your resume or ask someone else to take a look, and see if there is anything that could be enhanced to better reflect the roles you are going for. Don’t forget to check punctuation and spelling too.

3. Practice Interviews

Sit down with someone you feel confident with (friend, family, mentor) and do a mock interview, get them to ask the typical questions asked in an interview. The more prepared you are, the less surprises you will face during the real interview. Ask for any advice or feedback at the end of the mock interview.

4. Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes

If you are unsure of why you did not succeed in the interview don’t be afraid to ask for feedback, this can give you an insight on how to improve and succeed in future interviews. Every interview, successful or not, is an opportunity to learn and grow.

5. Stay Positive

Although it can be disheartening it is important not to let an unsuccessful interview get you down, resiliency is key. Many factors can influence an interview that are beyond your control, focus on what you can control and keep a positive attitude.

An unsuccessful interview is not the end of the road just a detour. A stepping stone and the chance to gain knowledge and feedback to advance yourself to move toward future success.

Published on by Australian Internships.