Hiroyasu - Education & Training (Japan)


"I was studying Education at my university, and I wanted to be a teacher. However, since I started my internship I realised that providing education with students and giving advice to them is very interesting for me. When I see students leaving our office with a smile and hope in their future, I become so happy and proud of being a member of this team. 

At the beginning, it is very hard to live and work in another country. Especially, it might takes us long time to communicate with other staff. However, we realise that speaking two languages (English and first language) is useful and helpful in our jobs.

My counselor Caroline was very friendly and kind. When I counselled with her to decide my placement, she spent long time to ask my ambitions and goals. As a result of her great help, I could get an invaluable opportunity to work for my current placement."



Published on by Australian Internships.