How to prepare for your internship in Australia?

Moving to another country is one thing, but interning in another country is something else, and it’s even more challenging. We would like to share some tips to make this experience easier and more enjoyable!


1. Check all the paperwork

Make a checklist of all the paperwork needed during your internship in Australia, including your degree certificates, references, IDs, and police checks. It would be best if you also prepared yourself with information about your visa, your accommodation and flights. This will help to minimise things that can go wrong. 


2. Medical check-ups and health insurance

Getting a medical check-up before you leave home is always a good idea, especially if you’re moving to Australia, where healthcare can be expensive. Also, ensure a private health insurance company covers you here. Australian Internships will assist you with this and your visa application. 


3. Be aware of your rights

Interning in a new country also means dealing with paperwork, contracts or permits in a foreign language. Those papers can sometimes be confusing; knowing your rights concerning your legal situation is always good. That research can quickly be done before your departure but can also be done after your arrival.


4. Be prepared for culture shocks

Being in a new environment can be challenging. After moving here, you might feel excited; however, the high could crash soon, and you’ll notice homesickness or things are changing too quickly. That’s okay; you’ll move through it! Researching before arriving and embracing all the experiences will help the transition much smoother.


5. Take the time to arrive a few days before the beginning of your internship 

It will allow you the time to adapt your body to the new time zone and to organise yourself in this new environment (knowing how to go to your new office, where to do the grocery shopping, etc.) Feeling comfortable in a new country and surrounded by a new culture can take a few days. It’s always better to feel good about the environment before starting your internship.


Published on by Guest User.