Discover Australia: Ekka Holiday

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Today is Ekka Wednesday! But what does that mean?

Ekka” is a kind of abbreviation for “exhibition”. Its official name is Royal Queensland Show, the agricultural show of Queensland, Australia.

The Ekka happens every year in early to mid-August. Being Queensland's largest annual event. It is held on the Brisbane Exhibition Ground in Bowen Hills (about a kilometre from the city centre) and welcomes an average of 400,000 visitors every year!

It started in 1876 and as the name suggests, it was initially created to show off many agricultural and industrial products of the region. Nowadays, the event is much bigger and showcases animal parades, wood chopping competitions, agricultural displays, world-class live entertainment, equestrian events, family shopping, educational activities and much more.

Anyone visiting Queensland in August should try to put the Royal Queensland, or “Ekka,” show on their itinerary. There is no other experience quite like it, and it only comes once a year!

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Published on by Australian Internships.