Kevin - Chemical Engineering (USA)

PIP - Chemical Engineering - Kevin Gragasin COX (C42393) - USA - 2017 - 2.jpg

"The best aspects of my internship included learning management and interpersonal skills which I can apply later in my career. To me, these are skills you cannot learn in the classroom, and are more important than any equations or technical skills, because the old saying goes "you get hired for your technical skills and fired for your people skills."
The people of Australia are very friendly and approachable, and when you are at a pub they will invite you to play a game of pool and have a drink with them. 
My advice for future interns would be to come in with an open mind, and to make friends with your coworkers. Eat lunch with them, interact with them, and be friendly. Learn about the standard you are held to at work, and meet and exceed that standard. Also, network, because you never know if your company is expanding worldwide."


Published on by Australian Internships.