Ogo Sison - Food & Beverage (Philippines)


"I've been an intern before, this was my second time. First time was in the US and while I had made so many good memories there, being an intern in Australia was a different one as this is where I could say I've actually learned real lessons. This is where I've learned that I can be a leader and manage shifts and fellow staff. I have learned so much from developing my leadership skills, coffee skills, and bartending skills and also learning a better sense and knowledge of the Food and Beverage department.

I would definitely recommend anyone who had just graduated from UNI to have an internship first before finally going out to the world and finding their own spot in the industry. Truly life changing. Over all, my experience in Australia has been amazing. People are friendly, places are just beautiful and there are just diverse cuisines everywhere!"


Published on by Australian Internships.